Friday, July 29, 2005

all WORK, all PLAY

Guess I'm one of the grown-ups
Now I have to get the job done

I almost forgot that yesterday marked the 4th year that I have been working in the company I am presently connected with.
Whew!! Who would've thunk!?

So I guess Congratulations is in order not just to myself but most importantly to our company for . . . well for lack of better term, SURVIVING ME!

And in tribute to my friends and colleagues at work who have stood by me through all my feats and foibles, I present our group picture... (photo altered to protect their identities, hah!)

Here's hoping for more years of stable employment!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Sunshine Gallery Update

After a few weeks, I am presenting again a new set artworks by my Sunshine . . .



Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A Thin Line Between LOVE & HATE

I was surfing the net searching for Madonna avatars and I chanced upon a website dedicated to some serious but mostly ridiculous Madonna bashing.

I was initially irritated by what I read in the sites and had the urge to post my comment to defend my beloved Miss M. But good sense took over and I decided to just let it go and respect the site's existence. After all, we are still living in a free world!

MADONNA. Either you love her or hate her.

But as I used to say before, most of the time Hate is not the opposite of Love.

I am no psychologist but I think that passionately hating someone is just a reflection of your subconscious love toward that person, only with bitterness for one reason or another. And to spend time and exert so much effort to profess your hatred only goes to show that that person has a significant bearing on your whole being, admittedly or not.

Much like passionate homophobes are usually just closeted homosexuals themselves, I believe that the anti-MADONNAs (Madonnaphobes, if you will) are just closeted MADONNiAcs.

Only they do not know or would not want to admit it . . . yet!

Monday, July 25, 2005

GaeL with a Capital L

In Y Tu Mama Tambien, he was intruiging.

In Motorcycle Diaries, he was remarkable.

In Bad Education, he was simply divine!

He's my new fave guy, GAEL GARCIA BERNAL!

Pedro Almodovar's BAD EDUCATION

I'm not much of a fan of foreign language movies simply because subtitles distract me. Only if I get early reviews of really interesting films do I make an effort to watch them. And I'm sure glad I took time to watch Bad Education (La Mala Educacion)! It is a very engaging tale of love, deceit, sexual abuse, the Catholic Church, homosexuality . . . okay, I'm getting reduntant here . . . Kidding!

Well, it's my first time to watch an Almodovar-helmed movie and now I realized that the hype surrounding his greatness really has some merits. After all, he's supposed to be one of Madonna's favorite directors. Who are we to argue with that?!

But, the one who really stood out in this movie is definitely Gael. He inhabited the role of Ignacio/Angel so perfectly, you couldn't help but fall for him. AND there's nothing like seeing a man go in drag and still manage to exude raw sexual magnetism. And it's almost impossible for any actor to do a scene having to go down on a guy and go bottom, with his very manly appeal unscathed. In Bad Education, Gael pulled it off! Pardon the pun.

I look forward to seeing more of Gael's movies. I believe that given the right opportunities, he could be another Antonio Banderas. Only better.

To understand what I'm talking about, go check out his films yourselves. Visit your ever reliable 'video pirates' in your area and you may be lucky to get hold of a copy of any of his films. Believe me, you won't regret it!

Saturday, July 23, 2005


It is a known fact among my closest friends that apart from being a MADONNA fan (looking at this site, isn't it obvious?!), I am also a bonafide Sharonian. Ever since I heard her song Santo NiƱo back in 1980, I've been hooked on Sharon Cuneta! Yes, the one and only Megastar!

Though my fascination with Ate Shawie could hardly equal my Madonna obsession , the fact that I've practically seen all of her movies from her first, Dear Heart to her most recent Crying Ladies; have a considerable number of her albums; and have spent a many Sunday evenings watching her in her now defunct musical variety show, The Sharon Cuneta Show to her musical talk show Sharon, is a strong enough proof that I'm a fan.

Through the years, I also had the most fortunate chance to meet her in person on numerous occassions. As of last count, I've seen her in person 6 times and in each of those times, I've acted like a typical megastarstuck fanatic and asked for her autograph! And the nice lady that she is, she always obliged with a smile. Where are those autographs now? Well, I've given them to my mom, my sisters and our family yaya. Apparently, this fa-SHA-nation runs in the family!!!

Damn those who think I'm baduy for harboring this MEGA admiration! At least, I know how to choose my idol! Both Sharon and Madonna have been on the top of their game for more than 2 decades now and are still going strong.

Sharon Sings Alcasid Anyways, I purchased Sharon's latest album Sharon Sings Alcasid and instantly fell in love with it! Simply put, no other local singer can sing songs with that much heartfelt emotion like Sharon does. Ogie should feel honored and proud that she was able to sing his classics and managed to effortlessly make it her own.

It's a good thing that she's reverting back to utilizing that Sharon sound that first made her a Megastar anyway. Let the other divas warble their abused pipes with glass-shattering vocal acrobatics, I'll take Shawie's soothing voice anytime.

My favorite cuts from the album so far are Sa Kanya and Hanggang Ngayon. You can bet these will be the songs I'll try my luck on come my next videoke session!

But for the meantime, I'll just go back to listening to the album and get in touch with my inner jologs . . . with PRIDE!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Sunshine Down

Sunshine has been sick since the other night. What we thought as a simple fever turned out to be more than that. Like any regular mate, I initially made him take Paracetamol tablets thinking it would be enough. But to no avail.

As I left for work earlier, he's still hot with fever and is beginning to show symptoms of tonsilitis. After my text consultation with my doctor friend Francis, I learned that it would take antibiotics to do the trick.

The upside? I got to play nurse today! Unfortunately . . . I wasn't any good!

What I lack in skills though, I made up for with empathy and calming words of encouragement.

If that would be enough to make Sunshine get better, life would be fair after all . . .

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A Page-turner...

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Ask me that question in a job interview and I probably would have a quick answer like a Miss Universe finalist being asked for 'the essence of being a woman'... World Peace! Aaaaayyyy!!!!

But having to answer that question just recently with a B.S.-less and an honest-to-goodness response made me realize that I have no clue whatsoever!

PAGE OF WANDS Over a week ago, I had my first Tarot Card reading session with my Seer-in-training friend Victor (during our post-AJ's birthday dinner/coffee get-together). I was a bit hesitant at first to know what lies ahead for me but after Victor assured me that he won't say anything that might scare the bejesus out of me, I agreed.

Of the tarot cards that were laid out, the most prominent was the Page of Wands along with other cards of the wands series. Basically, Victor's reading of it (as I understand it) was that I am 'DEDMA' to everything that come to me and that I still do not know what I want to do with my life due largely to the fact that I have not given myself time for any introspection.

Much as I wanted to disagree with his reading in an effort to save face (a 32-year old guy with no direction isn't exactly something to be admired!), I was so amazed at how precise the analysis was. Call it a wake-up call... but I sure was somehow enlightened.

I may not have learned what the future has to offer with regard to my career or my lovelife, I now realize that it all depends on me. When I will have the time and the mood to INTROSPECT, I honestly do not know. But I know it has to be soon!

But for now, ask me the same question that opened this entry...

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Uhmm . . . , I'll be 37 years old!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Once & Future MADONNiAc

It's good to have good friends!

I was with a friend who recently went on a US vacation and he gave me a copy of the latest MADONNA magazine cover for Ladies' Home Journal. It wasn't really a surprise gift since I practically demanded for him to buy it while he's in the US. He had no choice! Ha ha!

Ladies' Home Journal July 2005The article is entitled The Once & Future Madonna and it's a very revealing interview on Lady M's take on religion, marriage, motherhood and her past incarnations. It also boasted of an excellent photo portfolio by Lorenzo Agius with Madonna in different poses of literary inspirations.

Of the various statements made by Madonna in the interview, I was especially stirred by one of her parting words:

"I'm a person who's searching. I don't see myself as a holier-than-thou, righteous soul, but I'm a person who's been through a lot."

My sentiments exactly!

To my friend, Pareng Kim, thanks again for the mag! I appreciate it a lot.
Also to the one and only SanFo Bitch (you know who you are!), thanks for the Pride Mag (and everything else you sent me in the past and a whole lot more in the future, he-he)! I am eternally grateful!

Saturday, July 09, 2005


After years of sacrificing vision for vanity, I decided to once again get myself a new pair of eyeglasses at the advice of our office optometrist. Inevitably, my vision has gone worse since I stopped wearing specs about 2 years ago.

I've had an on-and-off affair with eyeglasses for the past 15 years. Most of the time, I just tire of wearing one or I feel it no longer looks good on me and just stop using it. There were times though when untoward incidents are to blame. A couple of my glasses got crushed when I accidentally sat on them!

In any case, I do not know how long I'll go on being bespectacled again. Sure, cute ones I see are now cuter, nice things around look nicer. But ugly sights also get visually optimized... Bahala na!

So far, I am liking my new pair on me. I intentionally chose the frame as it is kinda Boyish... as in Boy Abunda-ish!

Kaibigan, usap tayo!? Ha ha ha!

Go figure!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My Love Justified

In true MADONNAesque narcissism, I present to you my friend Elgin's rendition of MADONNA's Justify My Love maxi-single CD cover featuring the one and only . . . ME!

A Masterpiece of Madonnanista Elgin

Here are more CD cover interpretations by Elg featuring the MadPack! The photos were taken during Victor's birthday "concert".

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Say what you will but I'll say this back . . .

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend
on the permission of another!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Like a Ray of Music

Ten concerts, 150 artists, 1 million spectators, 2 billion viewers, with One Message:

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Five TV sets, Five venues, Five Fans, focused on one woman:

The night we had been waiting for the past few weeks had arrived and it sure was worth the wait!

The Live5 a.k.a. MADONNiAcs AJ, Francis, Elgin, Victor and myself initially planned to have our own Live8 party to watch together the much anticipated performance of our goddess, MADONNA. The get-together may not have pushed through, but thanks to mobile technology, we still got connected while we watched the concert in the comforts of our homes.

To say that MADONNA's performance was perfection would be an understatement. It was Her MADGEsty in her best element!

Her rendition of her classic hits Like a Prayer, Ray of Light and Music will now be placed at the top of the list of her most unforgettable stage performances. It was a clear indication of how much she has evolved in 20 years for unlike her Live Aid stint in 1985, she delivered her songs with such confidence, conviction and most evidently, ATTITUDE.

Her total command over her audience was also highlighted by the overwhelming participation of the crowd as they sang along with MUSIC's main mantra, Music makes the people come together! As AJ has put it, the song has taken on a deeper meaning.

It has been days since the concert but I am still reeling from the experience. I am still obsessed by how amazing her screech was in Ray of Light! She pulled it off as only a true Queen of Pop could.

I do wish that MADONNA's efforts, along with the hundreds of artists in Live8 would not be in vain. It is about time to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY!


Friday, July 01, 2005


Inspired by my Madonnanista friends Elg and Francis, I decided to also make my own montage of some of my favorite photos. This is my lame attempt to copy the inner sleeve layout of MADONNA's Greatest Hits Volume 2 (GHV2) CD.

So without much fanfare, I present to you... RHV2!