I had a very interesting weekend!Saturday morning, I got a call from a woman who introduced herself as a screenwriter. She said that upon a referral from a mutual friend, she wanted to meet with me about my possible involvement in a digital movie. Supposedly, because of my theater background
(I performed in a couple of stage productions with UP Repertory way back in college), I would be 'qualified' enough to be considered for a role.
A frustrated actor that I am, I agreed to meet with her along with the film director and the production staff the next day.
The meeting went very well and I had the chance to know what the project is about. Basically, they will be making a short film of about 30-45 minutes and they plan to enter the film in some film festivals here and abroad. It's gay-themed and they aim to tackle gender discrimation. And after a brief discussion between the writer and the director, they have determined that they already have a role for me.
After reading through the script, I realized that the role was a significant one
(though not the lead character). And even if I haven't acted in 10 years, I knew that I would be able to do it.
But there is a catch. I would be required to kiss not just one guy, but TWO!
AND . . . , there will be a SHOWER SCENE! Whoah!
In all fairness, the script was very interesting and the director seems to know what he envisions the film to be. And I initially thought, it is something I would gladly participate in. It has been my dream to be in a movie after all.
However, my
'inner manang' kicked in and I suddenly had qualms about what the role requires me to do. I admit, I wouldn't have any problem kissing a guy or two
(I've done that many times in the PAST! He he!) regardless of how they look like. I can easily use the
'for art's sake' argument for that. But disrobing in front of the camera? That's something else! Or is it . . . ?
Well, even if I would be able to somehow muster the guts to do it, the thought of my partner, my friends and
(in the remotest of possibility) my family seeing the film is something I am NOT ready to deal with. Not now and not for this movie.
As I have told a friend, had this kind of proposition come 5 or 10 years ago, I would have dropped everything
(including my pants) just to do it. But now I feel that I have more to lose than gain from the experience, so I couldn't see myself pushing through with it. After all, I'm way past the
EROTICA/SEX phase that I was into for some time. Apparently, I've lost my exhibitionistic tendencies over the years.
As if!So, with equal amount of disapppointment and pride, I could now say that
I HAVE TURNED DOWN A MOVIE ROLE!And I know somehow, I will also be able to say . . .