I have spent the last few days listening to one of the most entertaining CD's I heard ever, the original Broadway cast recording of
Avenue Q. Thanks to my good friend
Latte Boy, for giving me a copy of this wonderful masterpiece of a musical.
Avenue Q is the
Sesame Street/Muppet Show-meets-South Park-meets-Rent musical that has recently been the toast of Broadway. Its politically incorrect take on issues like racism, homosexuality, internet porn, love and life is just infectious thanks largely to its catchy music and hilarious lyrics. It's so funny, that instead of taking offense at some of the songs' messages, I just found myself laughing and realizing that it's futile to be upset with something that is true. Apparently, I too am living in my own version of Avenue Q.
With songs like "
It Sucks To Be Me", "
If You Were Gay", "
Everyone's A Little Bit Racist", "
The Internet is for Porn" and "
You Can Be As Loud As The Hell You Want (When You're Making Love)", it is definitely not a 'puppet show' for kids!
Unfortunately, I can only make do with looking at pictures and imagining how the songs are executed on stage (especially the 'sex scenes' in
"...When You're Making Love"!) as it is more likely that it would take a while before a local production will be staged here in Manila. Well if that happens, I will make sure that I won't miss it.
Don't stress,
Let life roll off your backs,
Each time you smile,
It'll only last a while,
Life may be scary,
But it's only temporary,
Everything in life is only for now!Avenue QBroadway
Next in line . . . WICKED!