For someone who's supposed to be all knowing and wise, a good English teacher, Yoda definitely needs!
That is just one of the thoughts I had after watching the final installment of the Star Wars franchise, Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.
Considering that I saw the first trilogy back in the 80's when they were originally released and I barely paid attention when I saw the 2 prequels, I came in the moviehouse with the vaguest memory of what Star Wars is about. And yet surprisingly, I enjoyed the film. Yes! It is awesome. It is fast paced and occasionaly funny. Definitely the best among the prequels and one of the best of the entire series.
Kudos to Victor for snatching for us (Kiko, AJ and myself) free tickets for the midnight screening. It was also my chance to visit for the first time this new Gateway mall where the movie was shown. It's been a long time since I saw Cubao that beautiful and cozy.
Leaving the mall was another story! The movie was finished around 2am and when we went out to look for a nice place to eat, the old face of Cubao greeted us: the dark sidewalks of Aurora Blvd. with its usual cast of homeless people, street bums and rugby-sniffing hobos. Even in the company of three friends, I got scared that something bad would happen. One stab wound is more than enough for me, thank you very much!
Finally settled in for our after-midnight meal, we had the chance for mindless chitchat and open ended discussions about anything and everything. Well, Madonniacs that we are, her Madge always falls right front and center of the conversation. We just can't help it!
Well, suffice it to say, a fun night we sure had . . .
and Go I Gotta!
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