Saturday, July 09, 2005


After years of sacrificing vision for vanity, I decided to once again get myself a new pair of eyeglasses at the advice of our office optometrist. Inevitably, my vision has gone worse since I stopped wearing specs about 2 years ago.

I've had an on-and-off affair with eyeglasses for the past 15 years. Most of the time, I just tire of wearing one or I feel it no longer looks good on me and just stop using it. There were times though when untoward incidents are to blame. A couple of my glasses got crushed when I accidentally sat on them!

In any case, I do not know how long I'll go on being bespectacled again. Sure, cute ones I see are now cuter, nice things around look nicer. But ugly sights also get visually optimized... Bahala na!

So far, I am liking my new pair on me. I intentionally chose the frame as it is kinda Boyish... as in Boy Abunda-ish!

Kaibigan, usap tayo!? Ha ha ha!

Go figure!


San Francisco Guy said...

makes you look..."respecful"? look lang ha? LOL!!!

vaniety said...

uy..geek look! :D

Me said...

Haha, my intentions exactly!

Thanks Van!