Tuesday, December 13, 2005

DIVAs' Weekend II

My past weekend went off on a good start as I took time off work last Friday to catch a concert of another favorite singer of mine, Regine Velasquez.

Entitled Reflections, the concert showcased medlies of songs of Regine's favorite singers as well as numbers that have become memorable to her since they were those that she sang during her 'singing contests' days. Clearly, this concert was much better than the last one I saw Reigning Still that did not have the best choice of repertoire and line up of musical guests.

I was so happy to hear Regine sing a medley of songs of my ultimate local fave, Sharon Cuneta (Mr. DJ, Dear Heart, P.S. I Love You and Kahapon Lamang), another medley of Mariah Carey's hits and as a part of her encore number, she performed Lucky Star, Borderline and Holiday from the Diva of all divas, MADONNA. I was like in heaven that night! And considering that Regine's voice that night wasn't exactly in its best form, she was still able to hit the high notes that she's been known for. What a trouper!

Her guests were the 1st Pinoy Pop Superstar, Jonalyn Viray who proved herself worthy of her title with such a lovely & powerful voice and singing comedienne Ai Ai Delas Alas who brought the house down with her wacky antics and her Regine-twenty-years-from-now spoof. Both of them really gave good performances without overshadowing Regine's own brand of stage presence.

I really had a great time that night. After the concert, we decided to go to Malate and spent some time checking out a new 'pink' shop Top & Bottom and got ourselves some rare gay-themed movies. My Sunshine, who was not able to come to the concert because of his work later joined us for a few rounds of drinks (that night was our 19th monthsary!).

My warmest thanks to a good MB Philippines friend, Dave, who was generous enough to give me (and Sonny) free tickets. Here's hoping it wouldn't be the last time!

And to you My Sunshine, thanks for the 19 wonderful months we've had together. I look forward to more love, laughter, lust, learning and leisure through the years!

Can we get together?
I really wanna be with you...

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1 comment:

Andy said...

Hi... Ala kasing tagboard kaya dito na ako nag-post.. oh anyway, im andy... thanks for visiting my blog btw...GBU.