Saturday, February 11, 2006

As Seen On TV

We are TV stars... Yes, that's what we are!

This week, I had one of the most exciting experiences ever!

I and my fellow Club Madonna Philippines members were invited to grace the taping of MYX Music Channel for their 24-hour MADONNAthon!

And mind you, our TV appearance was no ordinary thing. We were given not just one but two 30-minute segments where we were allowed to request our favorite Madonna videos and talk about anything we want about Madonna.

If that was not enough, we were also given indvidual camera time to 'confess' our love, worship and devotion to the one and only, Her MADGEsty. Forget about 15 minutes of fame for us, we're talking over an hour of nationwide TV exposure!

But more than the thrill of being on national cable television for an audience reaching thousands to millions, we were extremely on cloud nine for having that rare chance to talk about the one person we are commonly most passionate about, MADONNA. Sure, we have discussed every aspect of Madge's greatness amongst ourselves so many times, but to have 'outsiders' listening in and enjoying every bit of Madonna trivia and insight we can offer is truly a remarkable opportunity. We coudn't contain our euphoria even days after the taped segments.

And now, we will devote much of the 24 hours of today to watch the Madonna video marathon and catch our nationwide music TV debut.

Here are some of the pics taken of my fellow Club Madonna Philippines peeps (Elgin, AJ, Meister, Oliver and Juliana) with MYX VJs Karel, Nikki and yummylicious Geoff during the tapings.

And since I was already in the home studio of my most favorite local artist, I was not able to resist having this shot for posterity...

Push the button,
Don't push the button.
Trip the station...

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