Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Madge Gone Wild

Only a True Legend can rip-off from herself and re-define re-invention...

courtesy of

Madonna's new music video for her latest single Girl Gone Wild off her upcoming album MDNA is reminiscent of her videos past. A hodge-podge of Erotica, Vogue, Human Nature, Express Yourself and Justify My Love just to name a  few, it's the first Madonna music video in the last few years that puts her back in that league she created solely for her.

Welcome back Madonna...

Like you ever left us really...

Creative Commons License

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Man Overboard

Three years have passed and now I'm back!

I have to admit, I did not miss writing on my blog all that much. Posting status updates on Facebook with the accompanying pictures and occasional one-liners were enough to share what I had been up to and where I have been the past three years.

Now, here I am pretending to be a writer again.

Out of the sea...
Wish I could be...
Part of your world...

Now that I have finally jumped ship and decided to work on land again, I intend to get back on this blog to share my thoughts (mindless and/or otherwise) and my experiences (pleasant and/or not) to those who care enough to care.

To another start...

To a new beginning...

Creative Commons License