Thursday, December 08, 2005

Lo Money, Mo Problems

I am not much of a complainer, especially not in this blog. When something unpleasant comes, I choose to not write about it.

As they say, if you've got nothing nice to say, just shut up.

But please, indulge me...

Yesterday, I was really bummed when I received my 13th month pay and learned that it was much, much less than I expected. I was really pissed when I learned that it was because of tax deductions that ate up almost 30% of my pay! Yes, 30%!!! MotherF!@#!@$!!!!

I know it's not wise to count the chicks before the eggs hatch, but I already allocated my expected cash for stuff I intend to buy. Now, my plans have been thwarted. Sh!^%#!!!

I guess it's not gonna be much of a Merry Christmas then...

If you don't like my attitude, then you can F*** off!

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San Francisco Guy said...

bummer...guess i shouldn't expect a christmas gift from you, huh?

Mama Mouse said...

I hate that. Its happened to us a couple of times ... not at all a nice thing.