Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sh*t Happens

I haven't much to write about the past few days so I spent some time surfing the net for interesting blogs. And I was surprised to learn that MATERIAL BOY, was featured in a blogsite that is supposedly for " of blogs that are really boring, stupid, or ugly". O U C H!

click image to read full article

Well, I can't please everybody. Clearly, the Shitty Blog article is not about me or my blog, it's about Madonna. And while I've spent many years defending my MADONNA fandom against some of the most ruthless Madge bashers, I don't see the need to do so this time. As I said in a previous entry, There's a Thin Line between LOVE and Hate...

Good or bad, at least my site got noticed! Somehow, I still have my humor in check.

Creative Commons License


dorna! said...

Atta boy. "Shitty"? Now that's just plain rude.

Stargazer said...

You’re right, the Shitty Blog article is not about you or your blog, it's about Madonna.

I think your “A Thin Line Between LOVE & HATE” post is VERY insightful, and dead on. If someone absolutely ‘hates’ someone or something, it’s a natural human reaction to move away from that person or thing. Most people avoid distasteful people or displeasing situations. But when someone actively seeks out the person or thing that he or she supposedly ‘hates’, there is something more than meets the eye.

Despite their protestations, something is attracting them to the person or object they claim to despise. They might see something of themselves in that person, and can’t come to terms with it. It’s easier to lash out at someone else, and remain in denial about yourself.

I’m no psychologist either but when I see this behavior in others I always think, Hmm, I wonder what it is that’s really bothering you. And it’s not just others. I try to keep myself in check with this method. If I think I am protesting too much, I try and step back and analyze what’s truly bugging me. Hey, I’m haven’t perfected it yet (probably never will), but I figure at least I’m aware of it.

Thanks for sharing the Shitty Blog thing. It’s really funny when you think about. I visited their site, and read their postings. It really didn’t impress me one way or the other. It’s just there. I am still going to visit your blog and any others I choose. You’re humor is definitely in check; keep laughing and blogging!

Anonymous said...

Thanks stargazer... we're glad you think Shitty Blogs is shitty, because we love you anyway.

We're not Madonna haters, in fact we used to think she was fab. Unfortunately she's quite drab now, and we just want her to come out with something interesting again. Is that too much to ask?

Humor is indeed a virtue.

APoY said...


Keep your chin up. Your sense of humour & light heartedness will keep you afloat when all the murk & mud is swirling around you. For it's those with a LIGHT heart that will rise to the top...

If Madonna had let criticism affect her - she would have stalled after the release of her first album (many labelled her a helium-voiced, talentless, pop tart in the very beginning)...and this only fueled her inner fire and determination! The greater the obstacles overcome...the more rewarding the journey...

I personally think your Blog is fun, celebratory, vibrant and honest - qualities of which I'm sure the world could really benefit & evolve from, if there was more of it.

'Absolutely No Regrets'.

ONE Ray of Light in an infinity of kaleidoscopic colours : I AM.

Your Para//el Self from way down under.

Anonymous said...

lol madonna FANDOM.
i love it!

San Francisco Guy said...

inggit lang sila dahil nauna ka at mas maganda ka sa kanila. hmp!