Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Two Together, One Apart

Filed under Sunshine

Last week, My Sunshine and I marked a milestone in our life together when we celebrated our 2nd Anniversary.

I know . . . who would've thunk?!?!?

Thinking how we managed to keep our relationship going and the proverbial flame burning, I am definitely grateful that we got to this point. Needless to say, we went through some high's and low's over the last couple of years, but love prevails, I guess...

circa 2005

circa 2006

Sadly, just when I thought that our celebration will go as smoothly (albeit low-key) as I imagined, he kinda spoiled the occassion by dropping quite a bombshell. A year after he made a decision to no longer pursue his plans to work abroad, he told me that he has changed his mind one more time.

An offer from a long-time friend came and he was referred to join their company as a recruitment officer overseas. Since he has been looking for a new job for some time now (his contract with his previous employer expired already), he found it difficult to turn down the idea. Chalk it up to 'desperate times call for desperate measures'...

I have always been supportive of My Sunshine and if he feels that this is just what he needs to do, so be it. He'll be gone for about a year and I am now getting ready for his absence. It will be difficult, I know but I most certainly hope that love will once again prevail...

Say goodbye
With not knowing how to cry...

UPDATE (05/22): My Sunshine has left already yesterday and although this reality has yet to sink in, the depression is already setting in...

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dorna! said...

Hang in there luv. I'm in a long distance relationship myself. It's not always easy but it's so worth it.

*eLLe* said...

hi tnx for dropping by my blog. i'll link u ah =) btw, my bf will left for the states this coming monday already, so i know what you feels. its going to be tough, but i know true love conquers all. good luck on you guys =)

Tor said...

Wow, that's tough. At least in the age of the internet you'll be able to communicate easily and cheaply. I had a girlfriend in college who went to England, and we had to write letters that took a week via airmail, or make very expensive phone calls. Good luck!

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The Imaginary Diva said...

Oh, he'll miss you like crazy and send for you to come and live with him. You'll see. I see it happen all the time.