Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Once & Future MADONNiAc

It's good to have good friends!

I was with a friend who recently went on a US vacation and he gave me a copy of the latest MADONNA magazine cover for Ladies' Home Journal. It wasn't really a surprise gift since I practically demanded for him to buy it while he's in the US. He had no choice! Ha ha!

Ladies' Home Journal July 2005The article is entitled The Once & Future Madonna and it's a very revealing interview on Lady M's take on religion, marriage, motherhood and her past incarnations. It also boasted of an excellent photo portfolio by Lorenzo Agius with Madonna in different poses of literary inspirations.

Of the various statements made by Madonna in the interview, I was especially stirred by one of her parting words:

"I'm a person who's searching. I don't see myself as a holier-than-thou, righteous soul, but I'm a person who's been through a lot."

My sentiments exactly!

To my friend, Pareng Kim, thanks again for the mag! I appreciate it a lot.
Also to the one and only SanFo Bitch (you know who you are!), thanks for the Pride Mag (and everything else you sent me in the past and a whole lot more in the future, he-he)! I am eternally grateful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kung di lang kita mahal...charing!